Tips For A Better Beer Tasting Experience

Do you know what kinds of beers you like? Whether you're new to beer and still learning what you like, or you're a more experienced drinker looking to expand your palate, doing a beer tasting is a great idea. You can sip small amounts of several different beers and get an idea of which ones you like, and which you don't like. But doing a beer tasting is a bit more intensive than just sipping beer. Here are some ways to get more out of your tasting. 

Pour the beer into glasses.

Don't just sip a beer from the bottle or can when you're doing a tasting. Instead, pour the beer into a glass. There are small tasting glasses you can use, but make sure you choose a style that's wide. When you sip beer from a glass with a decent width, you get more of the aroma in your nose when you sip. Aroma affects the taste of the beer. This is one key reason why beers taste different from the bottle than from the can; you don't get much aroma when drinking from the can.

Take at least two sips.

Don't take one sip of a beer and then set it aside if you don't like it. The first sip of any beer you try cleanses your palate. You won't taste the beer's true flavor until you take a second sip. If you're still not sure, take a third. If you don't like the beer by the third sip, then you can put it in the "no" pile with confidence. 

Coat your mouth with the beer.

After you take a sip of the beer, don't swallow it right away. Swish it around in your mouth a little, or at least let it flow through your mouth a bit. This will ensure you taste the beer on all parts of your tongue, which gives you a more complete idea of its true flavor. 

Keep the snacks simple.

It can be fun to try some snacks along with your beer. However, you don't want snacks that overpower your beers. Try to keep things simple with items like pretzels, mild cheeses, and maybe some slices of apples. Save the more intense snacks for later when you're finished tasting.

Tasting a whole lineup of beers can be a good way to hone in on what you really like. Follow the tips above, and remember to have fun.

Contact a local brewery to learn more about beer.
